Hurmatli hamkorlar,

We sincerely invite you to attend the CTGE China Chaoshan International Textile and Garment Exhibition to be held from March 18th to 20th, 2025, at the Shantou International Expo Center. The event is guided by the China National Textile and Apparel Council and the Shantou Municipal People’s Government, which aims to provide a comprehensive platform for the textile and apparel industry to show brands and promote new products, materials and trends.

With the theme of “ChinaChao, World Quality,” the expo brings together the elite of the textile industry to present the latest supply chain technologies and innovation achievements. It is an unmissable industry event. During the event, we will hold a series of high-end forums, cultural exchanges and trend-release events. We are looking forward to discussing with you the future development opportunities of the industry.

Vaqt: 2025 yil 18-20 mart
Manzil: Shantou xalqaro ko'rgazma markazi
Stend: 11-zalda 11-17

Bog'lanish uchun: +86 157 6622 7459

Siz bilan ko'rgazmada uchrashishni intiqlik bilan kutamiz.

Ko‘rgazma ishtirokchisi:

Hozir biz bilan bog'laning
To'qimachilik yordamchi kimyoviy moddalari bo'yicha professional yordamga murojaat qiling. Bizning jamoamiz barcha to'qimachilik ehtiyojlaringizga yordam berish uchun shu yerda.
+86-15766227459sales@gdcxchem.comZavod manzili: Gucuo qismining sharqida, Sishen yo'li, Liangying shahri, Chaonan tumani, Shantou shahri, Guangdong viloyati, XitoyOfis manzili: 8-qavat, Lechao binosi, Huangshan yo'li, Longhu tumani, Shantou shahri, Guangdong viloyati, Xitoy
Hozir biz bilan bog'laning
To'qimachilik yordamchi kimyoviy moddalari bo'yicha professional yordamga murojaat qiling. Bizning jamoamiz barcha to'qimachilik ehtiyojlaringizga yordam berish uchun shu yerda.
+86-15766227459sales@gdcxchem.comZavod manzili: Gucuo qismining sharqida, Sishen yo'li, Liangying shahri, Chaonan tumani, Shantou shahri, Guangdong viloyati, XitoyOfis manzili: 8-qavat, Lechao binosi, Huangshan yo'li, Longhu tumani, Shantou shahri, Guangdong viloyati, Xitoy
Hozir biz bilan bog'laning
To'qimachilik yordamchi kimyoviy moddalari bo'yicha professional yordamga murojaat qiling. Bizning jamoamiz barcha to'qimachilik ehtiyojlaringizga yordam berish uchun shu yerda.
+86-15766227459sales@gdcxchem.comZavod manzili: Gucuo qismining sharqida, Sishen yo'li, Liangying shahri, Chaonan tumani, Shantou shahri, Guangdong viloyati, XitoyOfis manzili: 8-qavat, Lechao binosi, Huangshan yo'li, Longhu tumani, Shantou shahri, Guangdong viloyati, Xitoy

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